Will Buggey
Orecor is a product of having brought together the two parallel themes that defined my preceding career: finance teams, and technology.
After qualifying with the ICAEW in the late 2000s, I spent a decade swinging between these two focus areas, performing various roles across 3 great businesses (1 x growth SME, 1 x FTSE 100, 1 x global conglomerate).
Having recruited over £1m of talent into my finance departments, a gap in the market was staring me in the eye and the time was right to make Orecor happen.
I am delighted that the Orecor test now offers businesses the opportunity to make better accountancy and finance recruitment decisions.
His less-than-talented band being played on Radio 1 by the late, great John Peel.
Clare Buggey
My marketing career has been diverse, ranging from organising awards ceremonies for publishing giants, to selling pharmaceuticals to GPs (and much in between!) As a natural communicator, marketing just seemed for me the route to go down.
A recurring theme has been a focus on professionals — I’ve gained experience across sectors like healthcare, corporate finance, financial services, management consultancy and IT. I’ve developed a wealth of knowledge around the differing needs of organisations in terms of marketing objectives and strategies.
It is a great opportunity to now use this experience to market this unique product, helping many organisations improve the quality of their talent.
Her unusual dinner table encounter with Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore.